【同义词辨析】 2017-10-26 坏的bad-naughty

bad: may apply to any degree or kind of reprehensibility: the ~ guys in a Western.    reprehend谴责,批评并呵斥implies both criticism and severe rebuke(rebuke: 尖锐严厉的批评sharp, stern reproof),如reprehensible behavior应受谴责的行为,如reprehended the self-centeredness of today’s students谴责现在的学生以自我为中心(惟我独尊)     bad是程度很轻的词, MJ有首歌叫bad, 还有首歌叫bad boy,试想歌名如果换成下面的evil,wickedill,肯定会让人毛骨悚然

evil: is a stronger term than bad and usually carries a baleful or sinister connotation: ~ men who would even commit murder.        (baleful恶毒harmful or threatening to do harm,如a baleful look恶毒的眼神)         (sinister阴险having threatening appearance or reputation, and giving a general or vague feeling of fear or apprehension给人受威胁的感觉,让人隐隐害怕担心,如a sinister aura surrounded the place那个地方围绕着阴险的气氛)

ill: may imply malevolence or vice: paid dearly for his ~ deeds.           vice恶习、堕落applies a habit or practice that degrades or corrupts使人腐败降格的坏习惯,如gambling was traditionally the gentlemen’s vice赌博是绅士们的传统恶习,严重程度不很重

wicked: usually connotes malice and malevolence: a ~ person who delighted in the suffering of others.       malice恶意implies a desire to see another suffer希望别人痛苦,如felt no malice for his former enemies对之前的敌人没有恶意   malevolence也是恶意程度更强suggests a bitter, persistent hatred and may suggest inherent evil长期仇恨,表示内心邪恶,如deep malevolence governed his every act每做的每件事都出于恶意,是2018-06-04 恶意malice-grudge组的前2个词)

naughty: applies either to trivial misdeeds or to matters impolite or amusingly risque: looked up all the ~ words in the dictionary.     risque: (表演、说话、笑话等)不合礼仪有伤风化a little shocking,usually because it is about sex     "调皮"的意思是指爱玩爱闹,不听劝导;狡猾;顽皮增加了顽固的意思       严重程度上evil>wicked>ill>bad>naughty  

bad坏的: 泛指任何应受谴责(reprehensible)的, evil邪恶: 语气最,表示恶毒(baleful,sinister) , ill恶的、堕落的: 可指恶意堕落(malevolence,vice恶习), wicked恶的: 表示恶意(malice,malevolence都表示恶意), naughty调皮: 指事情上的不礼貌或爱玩闹

记忆方法: 1) 首字母BEIWN重组成WEN BI文笔不好<==坏的     是形声字。从土褱( huái)声,本义是倒塌(建筑物遭到破坏,土表示和建筑有关),引申为1、品质恶劣、有害,如坏蛋坏人坏事坏水  2、人体、东西受了损伤、被毁,如破收音机了毁   还有人认为坏是会意字,由""转义,意为少一环节,不完善


          3)坏的的意思是不符合道德伦理mean not morally good or ethically acceptable.首字母BEIWN重组成WEN BI文笔不好<==坏的